
Mixing - Taking raw files you have recorded at home or at a studio and applying techniques such as EQ, Compression, and Balancing Levels to make your raw recordings sound professional.

Mastering - Making sure your final mixes are loud and translate well on radio, streaming services, car speakers, headphones and smartphones. 



Auden is a Mix Engineer who believes in challenging audio standards by providing high quality mixes that the average listener can feel. Many of today's music is like fast food where the vast majority are fighting to fit into a sonic trend but Auden believes in creating a unique sound for every individual artist and tailoring mixes to serve the songs by carefully crafting sonics on what the song needs versus what's trending. This is all done by artfully combining different sonic elements of a song, adding effects, adjusting volumes, manipulating audio frequencies, etc. all to increase the sound quality and aesthetics of a song.

Before starting as a Mix Engineer Auden started producing hip hop records but quickly realized after a year he spent more time mixing the beats he did than actually producing them. After successfully helping local hip hop artists by recording and mixing their records Auden became known in the community as the go to guy for mixing and recording.

Auden now spends the majority of his time mixing Hip Hop & R&B records (in both English and Spanish) all while looking to build relationships and build a new sound for artists starting from the ground up.


Do you care about music quality and aesthetics? Are you looking to create a unique sound for yourself?

Lets get in contact. Follow @mixedbyauden on instagram or simply fill out the quote form above.
